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Section 1: Organizational Name

The name of this organization shall be the "Atascocita High School Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps Booster Club" (AHS MCJROTC Booster Club), a nonprofit corporation, incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas, and recognized as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Section 1: Purpose

The purpose of the AHS MCJROTC Booster Club shall be to support and enhance all aspects of the AHS MCJROTC program and its sponsor(s) at Atascocita High School. The organization aims to raise funds, provide support for the activities of all cadets, and facilitate communication with the members' immediate families.

Section 2: Objectives

The objectives of the AHS MCJROTC Booster Club are as follows:

a) To promote and maintain an enthusiastic interest in the various phases of the AHS MCJROTC program.

b) To provide moral and financial support to the MCJROTC program.

c) To collaborate with the program sponsor(s), cadets, and parents to ensure the efficient operation of the MCJROTC program.

d) To establish and maintain an organization that supports the general activities of the AHS MCJROTC program.

e) To foster cooperation among parents, teachers, administrators, and the public in advancing the endeavors of students engaged in MCJROTC related extra-curricular activities at Atascocita High School.

Section 3: Compliance with Regulations

The Organization shall adhere to all policies of the University Interscholastic League (UIL) and the Humble Independent School District (Humble ISD). The AHS MCJROTC sponsor(s) shall act as spokespersons for the students to inform the Organization when

services are needed and may also represent the Organization with the school principals and administration.

Section 4: Organizational Structure

The organizational structure guiding the activities of the AHS MCJROTC Booster Club, in descending order of authority, shall be as follows:

a) Humble ISD/UIL/TEA

b) Atascocita High School Administration

c) MCJROTC Sponsor(s)

d) AHS MCJROTC Booster Club Executive Board


Section 1: Eligibility for Membership

Membership in the AHS MCJROTC Booster Club shall be open to any person who fulfills the following criteria:

a) Pays the annual membership fee (one Per household) as determined by the Executive Board.

b) Has a direct relationship with a current student enrolled in the MCJROTC program at Atascocita High School.

c) Demonstrates an interest in the enhancement and development of the MCJROTC program for all students.

Section 2: Honorary Membership

Honorary Membership may be granted to individuals or businesses in recognition of their exceptional support for the Organization. The nomination and approval of Honorary Members shall be determined by a vote of the Executive Board and members present at the meeting where the Honorary Member(s) are nominated. Honorary Members are not required to pay membership dues and shall not possess voting power within the Organization. Appropriate recognition for Honorary Membership may include a certificate, plaque, press release, and/or acknowledgment at a performance or meeting. While this distinction may be awarded annually, it is not mandatory to do so every year.

Section 3: Ex-Officio Members

The MCJROTC sponsor(s) and an appropriate representative of the AHS Administration shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Directors of the MCJROTC program. Ex-officio members shall not hold office or have voting rights in the AHS MCJROTC Booster Club. However, they shall serve as consultants and advisors to the Executive Board, providing input and approval for all events and projects to be considered, voted upon, supported, and/or sponsored by the Organization. The ex-officio members shall also act as liaisons with the school administration.

Section 4: Good Standing

The privilege of holding office, making motions, and voting within the AHS MCJROTC Booster Club shall be limited to members in good standing. A member shall be considered in good standing if they fulfill the following requirements:

a) Payment of Annual Membership Fee: Members must have paid the annual membership fee within the current membership year (June 1 through May 31).

b) Passing Humble ISD Volunteer Background Check (Raptor): Members holding leadership positions or actively engaging in direct interactions with students shall have successfully passed the Humble Volunteer Background Check (Raptor), in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, it is required that all members of a household who engage in Booster Club roles or participate in direct interactions with students must have satisfactorily cleared the Humble Volunteer Background Check, as mandated by relevant laws and regulations.

c) Active Participation and Attendance: Members are expected to actively participate in the club's activities, events, and meetings to the best of their abilities. Regular attendance at club meetings and events helps foster a supportive and engaged academic community.

Adherence to these "good standing" requirements ensures that the AHS MCJROTC Booster Club operates in a responsible and accountable manner, providing a safe and positive environment for its members and supporting the objectives of the academic program. The Organization shall enforce these requirements consistently and fairly, with any concerns or exceptions addressed in accordance with the club's bylaws and applicable laws.

Section 5: Membership Year

The membership year shall commence on June 1 and conclude on May 31 of the following year.


Section 1: Composition of the Executive Board

The Executive Board of the AHS MCJROTC Booster Club shall consist of the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Additionally, the Executive Board may create other officer positions and committees on an as-needed basis, which shall be subject to approval by the general membership.

Section 2: Impartiality

The Executive Board members and sponsor(s) shall carry out their responsibilities impartially and refrain from providing preferential treatment to any student enrolled in the MCJROTC program. No Executive Board member shall allow personal interests to unduly influence decisions that impact the Organization or its members.

Section 3: Eligibility for Executive Board Positions

All members in good standing shall be eligible to serve on the Executive Board as officers or committee members. The election of officers and other positions shall be conducted by the Executive Board and members of the Organization in good standing.

Section 4: Nomination and Election of Executive Board Members

Members interested in applying for an Executive Board position or any other Organization position shall notify the Organization membership in writing, via email, at least thirty (30) days before the scheduled election. The nominees for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and any additional officer positions shall be announced during the general meeting in May. Nominations may also be made from the floor during the meeting. All nominees must be parents or guardians of a student currently enrolled in the AHS MCJROTC program, be members in good standing, and must consent to serve if elected.

Section 5: Term of Office

Executive Board members shall be elected on a yearly basis, each serving for a term of one (1) year. In accordance with these bylaws, Executive Board members are eligible to hold the same position for a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms. This term of service aligns with the duration of the school year. However, an Executive Board member may be considered for a third consecutive term in the same position, provided the following conditions are met:

a) No other eligible candidate seeks the respective position, resulting in an absence of an incumbent challenger.

b) Unanimous consent is obtained from all incumbent Executive Board members. Such consent signifies an agreement to extend the term based on the unique circumstances.

The determination to allow a third consecutive term shall be contingent upon satisfying both conditions (a) and (b) above.

Section 6: Election Procedure

Election of Executive Board members shall take place annually during the last meeting of the school year. The candidates shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present during the meeting.

Section 7: Resignation and Removal of Executive Board Members

Executive Board members may resign from their position at any time when they deem it necessary. Additionally, Executive Board members may be removed from their position by a unanimous vote of the remaining Executive Board members for dereliction of duties.


Section 1: Vacancy in the Office of President

In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the office shall be filled by the Vice President. If there is no Vice President or they decline the position, a special meeting

may be called for the purpose of electing a President or an election may be held during the next general membership meeting.

Section 2: Vacancy in Other Officer Positions

In the event of a vacancy in any other officer position, the Executive Board shall fill the vacancy through appointment via a majority Executive Board vote.


Section 1: Frequency of Meetings

Membership meetings shall be held at least once per semester. Additionally, meetings may be conducted monthly or more frequently, as deemed necessary.

Section 2: Quorum

A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Organization shall consist of any number of members present, provided the meeting has been announced to the general membership in advance. Decisions and activities of the Organization must be approved by a majority vote of the members present.

Section 3: Agenda Submission

To include an item on the agenda of a general membership meeting, members must notify the President at least five (5) days before the scheduled meeting.


Section 1: Frequency of Executive Board Meetings

The Executive Board shall meet as needed, either prior to or instead of the general membership meeting, to discuss and address organizational matters.

Section 2: Notice and Agenda

Any Executive Board meeting shall require notification to the entire membership at least seven (7) days before the meeting. The notification shall include the purpose, place, and time of the meeting. Executive Board meetings are generally closed to the general membership. However, if a member wishes to introduce an agenda item, they must notify the President at least seven (7) days before the meeting to be included on the


Section 3: Special Meetings

An Executive Board member may call a special meeting upon providing twenty-four (24) hours' notice to the Board. The notice shall include the purpose, place, and time of the meeting. Business conducted during a special meeting shall be limited to the specific purpose for which the meeting was called. A quorum for a special meeting shall consist of fifty-one percent (51%) of the Board members, along with at least one Sponsor. All decisions made during a special meeting shall have the same force and effect as if all

Board members were present and voting.

Section 4: Emergency Decision Making

An Executive Board member may take action on behalf of the entire Board in cases of true emergency when decisions need to be made with less than twenty-four hours' notice. Such emergency actions shall be reported and ratified at the next regular Executive Board meeting.

Section 5: Electronic Meetings

Board members may conduct Board meetings electronically, through phone conference or computer conference, provided that all members are invited to join and all participants can communicate with one another. Electronic meetings shall adhere to the following requirements:

a) Recording of Meetings: All electronic meetings shall be recorded in an audio format to ensure accurate documentation of discussions and decisions made during the session.

b) Inclusion of All Board Members: Every effort should be made to include all Board members in electronic meetings. If any Board member is unable to attend, the President or the meeting organizer shall make reasonable attempts to reschedule the meeting to a time when all members can participate.

c) Advance Notice: The President or the meeting organizer shall provide advance notice of the electronic meeting to all Board members, specifying the date, time, and agenda of the meeting. The notice shall also include instructions on how to join the meeting


d) Communication Technology: The Organization shall utilize reliable and secure communication technology for electronic meetings to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of discussions.

e) Quorum: For an electronic meeting to be valid, a quorum of Board members must be present, and all decisions and actions shall be subject to the same rules as in-person meetings.

f) Minutes: Detailed minutes of the electronic meetings shall be recorded and preserved for future reference and inclusion in official records. These minutes shall accurately reflect the discussions, decisions, and votes taken during the meeting.

g) Voting: During electronic meetings, voting on any matter shall be conducted in a manner that allows each participating Board member to cast their vote, and the results shall be recorded in the minutes.

Electronic meetings provide a convenient and efficient means for the Board to conduct its business, especially when in-person meetings are impractical or impossible. However, it is essential to ensure that the integrity and effectiveness of such meetings are maintained by adhering to the specified requirements and procedures. The Organization shall strive to strike a balance between accommodating Board members' schedules and ensuring full participation to achieve the best outcomes for the AHS MCJROTC Booster Club.

Section 6: Consent to Action without Meeting

Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Board may be taken without a meeting if all members of the Board consent in writing or by email confirmation to take such action without a meeting and approve the specific action. Such consents

shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of the Board.


Section 1: President

The President shall perform the following duties:

a) Preside over all board meetings and general meetings or provide a proxy if unable to attend.

b) Ensure that all bylaws are enforced and followed.

c) Schedule meetings of the Board and general membership.

d) Appoint special committees as necessary.

e) Serve as a liaison for any District Booster Club meetings and facilitate coordination and compliance with HISD Booster Club policies and procedures.

f) Ensure timely communication of pertinent information to parents and members via email, social media, or telephone.

g) Maintain the Organization's email account and act as the primary user of the account.

h) Maintain effective communication with the Sponsor(s) and other Executive Board members.

i) Conduct monthly internal audits of the organization's financial records in collaboration with the Treasurer.

j) Ensure financial decisions are made prudently and present larger financial decisions (over $250) to the Executive Board for approval.

k) Speak at Parent Orientation and Awards ceremonies.

Section 2: Vice President

a) Lead and manage the Fundraising Committee

1) Preside over race-related activities.

2) Coordinate all Fundraiser events including Race’s, Spirit nights, and MCJROTC booster club Benefits

3) Oversee runner entries and coordinate adult volunteers for races.

4) Oversee the Fundraising Races, ensuring all race events run smoothly.

5) a) Lead and manage the Fundraising Committee

b) Lead and manage the Sponsor Allocation Committee

1) Manage the process of securing sponsors.

2) Ensure all sponsor T-shirt designs align with sponsor expectations and Organization standards.

3) Maintain sponsor communications, serving as the key contact between the Organization and sponsors.

a) Support and assist the President in fulfilling all Organization duties.

b) Fulfill the duties of the President in their absence or upon the President's request.

Section 3: Secretary

The Secretary shall perform the following duties:

a) Take minutes of each Board meeting and general membership meeting.

b) Prepare and present the minutes at all meetings of the Board and membership.

c) Submit a copy of the minutes of each meeting to the President, Sponsor(s), and school administration (if requested) within five working days.

d) Create a Sign-Up Genius form for MCJROTC events as required.

Section 4: Treasurer

The Treasurer shall perform the following duties:

a) Act as the custodian of the Organization's funds.

b) Deposit funds in a legal financial institution.

c) Be a signatory on the organization's bank account unless ineligible, in which case another Executive Board member shall assume the role.

d) Maintain proper financial records, including vouchers for all receipts and disbursements.

e) Utilize accounting software to maintain all financial records.

f) Provide a summary financial report at each Executive Board meeting and general membership meeting.

g) Present a comprehensive financial report at all scheduled meetings during the school year.

h) Collaborate with the President to conduct monthly internal audits of the organization's financial records.

i) Coordinate with HISD for required audits and tax filing.

j) Supply current financial records, budgets, and projections to the Sponsor(s) and Executive Board upon request.

k) Ensure the safekeeping of financial assets and documents.


Section 1: Transition of Board Members

As a key responsibility of each outgoing Executive Board member, a comprehensive handover of all relevant duties, information, and credentials to their successor shall be facilitated. The transition process should ensure continuity and provide incoming Board members with the necessary resources to perform their roles effectively.

Section 2: Logins and Financial Credentials

2.1 Provision of Email Access and Authentication Information: Departing members of the Executive Board are required to furnish their successors with the ensuing email access credentials and associated authentication information, pertaining to their

respective designations. The documentation of this exchange shall be meticulously recorded within a Handover document, which will be duly furnished alongside the incoming Executive Board. Below are those items listed:

a) President's email login and password Dropbox

b) Vice President's email login and password Paypal

c) Secretary's email login and password Financial Institution


d) Treasurer's email login and password Wix Online Store

e) Additional credentials: Texas Comptroller

f) Square Aim Insurance

g) Cyber grants Sign up Genius

h) Target Grants Marine Shop

i) Walmart grant/FrontDoor Storage

j) Active yearbook

k) Instagram Facebook

l) Twitter Wreaths across America

** additional Logins may be added to this list throughout the School year.

2.2 Temporary Retention: In the event that there is no Executive Board member voted in for a specific position, the President shall retain the email credentials and responsibilities of that position until an Executive Board member is duly voted in or assigned to fill the role.

Section 3: Handover of Documents

3.1 Treasurer's Financial Documents: The Treasurer shall hand over all physical financial documents, including receipts, invoices, ledgers, and bank statements, once the annual audit is completed and verified. The handover shall be completed within ten (10) days after the conclusion of the annual audit.

3.2 President's Communication Documents: The President shall hand over the keys or access to all communication documents relevant to the Organization's financial backers or businesses that have supported the AHS MCJROTC Booster Club. These communication documents may include sponsor contacts, partnership agreements, and other relevant correspondence. The handover shall be completed within fifteen (15) days of the new Executive Board taking office.

Section 4: Successor Training

Outgoing Executive Board members shall provide necessary training and guidance to their successors to facilitate a smooth transition into their respective roles. This training may include reviewing historical records, explaining processes, and providing insights into best practices.

Section 5: Acknowledgment of Handover

Both the outgoing Executive Board member and their successor shall sign a written acknowledgment confirming the completion of the handover process. This acknowledgment shall be submitted to the President and retained for record-keeping purposes.

Section 6: Exceptional Circumstances

In exceptional circumstances, where an outgoing Executive Board member is unable to complete the handover process within the specified timeline, they shall notify the President and the incoming Executive Board member, providing a reasonable explanation for the delay. The President shall work with both parties to ensure a timely and satisfactory completion of the handover.

Section 7: Annual Audit Responsibility

7.1 Timing of the Audit: The annual audit shall be conducted at the end of the academic year, prior to the summer break, to minimize disruption to contact with Booster Club members due to out-going students or summer vacations.

7.2 Audit Committee Formation: The Executive Board shall establish an Audit Committee within the last semester of the academic year, composed of independent members not currently serving on the Executive Board, to perform the annual independent audit. The Audit Committee shall be responsible for reviewing the financial records, transactions, and documentation of the AHS MCJROTC Booster Club.

7.3 Completion and Filing of Audit: The audit process shall be completed promptly, and the final audit report shall be prepared for delivery to the Humble ISD Community Engagement Representative. The audit report shall include any necessary recommendations and shall be submitted within thirty (30) days following the conclusion of the academic year.

Section 8: Confidentiality and Security

Outgoing Executive Board members shall ensure that all sensitive information, including login credentials and financial documents, is handed over securely and kept confidential at all times. The President shall oversee and enforce compliance with confidentiality and security measures.



Section 1: Scholarships

The AHS MCJROTC Booster Club may issue scholarships to graduating seniors intending to pursue higher education or trade school. Scholarships shall be in the form of checks payable to the recipient's educational institution upon proof of enrollment. The

number and size of scholarships shall be determined by the Executive Board. It is understood that awarded scholarships must be utilized within one fiscal year from the date of the award, after which they will expire.

Section 2: Scholarship Committee

A scholarship committee shall be established, led by one Executive Board member, and include at least three community members who are not directly affiliated with the MCJROTC program to avoid bias. The committee shall be responsible for reviewing and selecting scholarship recipients.

Section 3: Scholarships for Leadership Programs

The AHS MCJROTC Booster Club may also offer scholarships to support students' participation in camps or other leadership development programs. The number and amount of these scholarships shall be determined by the Executive Board.

Section 4: Financial Assistance

The Organization may provide financial assistance to students or families demonstrating significant financial need. Such assistance shall be provided on a case-by-case basis and treated with confidentiality. Financial assistance shall be in the form of gift cards, not to exceed $25 increments each.


Section 1: Dissolution Decision

The AHS MCJROTC Booster Club may be dissolved under the following circumstances:

a) The Sponsor(s) deems that the Organization is no longer fulfilling its purpose due to waning membership, declining member involvement, lack of support, or repeated conflicts with the Executive Board.

b) The Executive Board recommends dissolution due to similar reasons.

Section 2: Dissolution Process

In the event of the decision to dissolve the Organization, the following process shall be


a) The Sponsor(s) and Executive Board shall meet with the Atascocita High School Head Principal for discussion and approval of the dissolution.

b) The Principal must grant approval for the dissolution to proceed.

c) The Organization membership shall be notified of the decision to dissolve via email, posting on the MCJROTC website, and by distributing letters to parents through students.

d) The Treasurer shall write a check to Atascocita High School for all funds held by the Organization, minus amounts for outstanding checks and to maintain the account if necessary for possible reformation in the future.

e) Any non-cash assets shall be donated to the AHS MCJROTC Department, local charity, or converted into cash assets.

f) All relevant Organization forms and records shall be provided to the Sponsor(s) for safekeeping.

Section 3: Reinstatement

The AHS MCJROTC Booster Club may be reinstated after the school year immediately following its dissolution or at any time in the future after that period.


Section 1: Acceptable Use and Confidentiality Agreement

Executive Board members shall be required to sign an acceptable use and confidentiality agreement regarding email access, database access, and confidential student records.

Section 2: Approval for Communications

The Sponsor(s) must provide approval for any email or mass communication sent on behalf of the Organization.

Section 3: Protection of Confidentiality

Confidentiality concerning student information and Executive Board business shall be strictly maintained.


The AHS MCJROTC Booster Club shall be guided in its projects by the advice and consent of the Sponsor(s). In the event of a deadlock or stalemated issue among the Booster Club members, where a unanimous decision cannot be reached, the Sponsor(s) shall assume an Advisory Authority role.

A deadlock or stalemated issue refers to a situation where the Executive Board members of the AHS MCJROTC Booster Club are evenly divided in their positions or cannot achieve a conclusive majority vote on a significant matter. In such instances, the decision-making process becomes impeded, hindering progress on important projects and initiatives.

To address deadlock or stalemated issues, the Sponsor(s) will act as impartial advisors and facilitators, mediating discussions and encouraging constructive dialogue among the Executive Board members. Their role is to promote efficient decision-making,

cooperation, and consensus-building within the Booster Club.

However, it is important to clarify that in cases where the deadlock or stalemated issue involves decisions with the Sponsor(s), the AHS MCJROTC Booster Club shall retain the final authority over its own internal matters and decisions. The Sponsor(s) will not impose their decisions on the Booster Club when it concerns the Club's internal affairs.

By leveraging the Advisory Authority of the Sponsor(s) in deadlock situations, the AHS MCJROTC Booster Club aims to achieve resolution on critical matters, maintain the smooth functioning of the organization, and uphold its mission to support and enhance the AHS MCJROTC program in the best interests of all its members.


The rules contained in the current edition of "Robert's Rules of Order" shall govern the

AHS MCJROTC Booster Club in all cases to which they are applicable and consistent

with these bylaws and any special rules of order adopted by the Organization.


These bylaws may be amended at any general membership meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided prior notice has been given to all members. Prior notice may be given through a previous general membership meeting, distribution of letters to all members, or communication via electronic media.

Approved and adopted on September 18th, 2023, and disseminated to the general membership via email.

Kristel Herring, President

Stephanie Lamb, Vice President

Tonyna Breaux, Treasurer

Dustin Breaux, Secretary

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