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MCJROTC BOOSTER CLUB MEETING – 1/14/25 CALL TO ORDER: (President: Stephanie Lamb) Time: Meeting was called to order at 6:42pm Members in attendance: Stephanie Lamb Wayne Lamb Pennie LeBlanc Sharon Silvera Stephanie Engolio Major Carlstrom Tonyna Breaux Ella Matthews Master Guns Approve December Minutes: Ella Matthews made a motion to approve the December minutes. Tonyna Breaux seconded the motion. PRESIDENT:

• Spirit Nights  Raising Cane’s -- Jan 28 Stephanie Lamb announced the Raising Cane’s Spirit Night that is on 1/28/25 from 3:00 pm to close. We will receive 15% of the profits. Stephanie also announced to let her know that if anyone knew of another restaurant to have a Spirit Night. Tonyna B. said that we received the Panera Bread and Chipotle checks totaling about $300.

• Birthday Ball – 11/8/25  Needed  Photographer  Caterer It was announced again that we have booked Fountainview Farms in Splendora for the 2025 Birthday Ball on 11/8/25. We are actively looking for a caterer and photographer. We discussed that while it seemed a good idea to have AHS Journalism students as the photographers, the quality of photos was lacking. We are also still trying to receive the photos from Kylan Ross. Master Guns will speak to the Journalism teacher to try to get those photos. Stephanie Engolio has a photographer friend and will report back on pricing and availability.

• Drill Meets  January 25 – Dayton HS  Breakfast items  Lunch items For breakfast we will purchase muffins and honeybuns. For lunch we will provide hamburgers. Wayne L. will bring his grill to cook the burgers. We have plenty of chips and cookies leftover from last week’s drill meet. Master Guns said we also have several cases of Capri Suns. We will need to purchase patties, buns, cheese, lettuce, tomato, water, and Gatorade. We still have mayo, mustard, and ketchup from previous meets. Turla’s parents will possibly bring hot chocolate for the cadets. Stephanie L. will be sending out messages to encourage all parents to make the short drive to Dayton to watch and cheer on the cadets. Pennie L. asked if they could just come and watch to see what the drill is all about. Master Guns encourages all cadets and their families that are interested in drill to come to Dayton to watch.


• Car Show  Date  t-shirt design  Items needed for raffle and silent auction  Sponsors needed  advertising We discussed changing the date from March 29 to April 26. Everyone was in agreement. We discussed the number of t-shirts to purchase for sale. We were in agreement to not give a free shirt with the purchase of a car show entry. With that decision, it was discussed that 60 shirts would be a good number. If we happen to run out of shirts on the day of the event, we are considering taking orders and mailing them to those that purchase. It was announced that we are in need of items for the raffle and silent auction. The lazy susan that we purchased as the speaker gift at the Ball, but did not use, we be in the silent auction. We also discussed that any sponsor that donates at least $250 will have their logo on the back of the shirt, have signs at the event, and have shout outs on social media. We also discussed the places we will advertise for the event. It will be on Eventbrite, Car Show social media sites, and we will hand out flyers and local car shows in the coming weeks.

TREASURER: • Account Balance -- $34,964.16 • Square Account -- 0

• PayPal Account -- 0 • Total Balance -- $34,964.16 Upcoming deductions are Joshua Royalty’s $1500 scholarship and $7000 remaining payment to Fountainview Farm

INSTRUCTOR NOTES (Major Carlstrom and Master Guns): They need hair kits and Edge dressing for shoes for drill meets. Graduation cords for all military branches and cords for four years of JROTC are needed. We have $150 of Chick-fil-a that will be used when the cadets record their drill videos for Regionals.


Meeting adjourned at 7:31pm

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