CALL TO ORDER: (President: Stephanie Lamb) Time: ________.
Please sign in at the front table
Welcome any new members: Stephanie Lamb, Ella Mathews, Tonya Breaux, Dustin Breaux Sr. Ryan Engolio, Wayne Lamb, Hilary Fleming, Master Gunns Fleming, Major Carlstrom, Andrea Harisis
Approve November Minutes: Tanya Breaux, Dustin Breaux
Spirit Nights
Raising Cane’s -- TBD, January or early February
Birthday Ball
Venue booked – Fountain View Farm – 11/8/25
Drill Meets
January 11 – Brenham HS
Volunteers to bring breakfast
Look for Sign Up Genius for lunch items
January 25 – Dayton HS
We will serve burgers or walking tacos.
It was recommended to advertise to help encourage parent participation.
Christmas Potluck – 12/20/24
Paper goods and prizes will be provided by the Booster Club.
Car Show
Date: March 29 or April 12
t-shirt design: black ink on green shirt, designed by Mr. Lamb
Items needed for raffle and silent auction: Lazy Susan is available.
Sponsors needed: Ask Porky’s to help advertise the Car Show.
Account Balance $28,049.06__
Square Account $2,302.58______
PayPal Account $5,004.09____
Total Balance ____$35,356.54
We owe Fountainview $7,000. We have already paid $1,000.
Please forward your Raptor approval email to
INSTRUCTOR NOTES (Major Carlstrom and Master Guns):
Trophies are needed for marksmanship postal competition.
NEXT MEETING DATE: _____January 14, 2025_____________
Meeting adjourned at ____7:15 p.m.___________
Christmas Gift Exchange