CALL TO ORDER: (President: Stephanie Lamb) Time: 6:43 p.m.____.
Please sign in at the front table: Stephanie Lamb, Andrea Harisis, Stephanie Engolio, Ryan Engolio, Jodie Eakin, Jacqueline Contreras, Tonya Breaux, Dustin Breaux, Ella Mathews, Wayne Lamb
Welcome any new members
Approved October Minutes: Jacqueline Contreras and seconded by Dustin Breaux.
Spirit Nights
December 11 – Chipotle
January TBD -- Raising Cane’s
February TBD -- Chick-fil-a
Birthday Ball 11/9/24
Thank you to all parents that helped!
Suggested: We only give senior gifts next year to save money.
New venue: We are looking for venues. Possible venues: The Embassy, Elegant Hall
Drill Meets
December 7 – Travis HS
Volunteers to bring breakfast
Mrs. Eakin will bring cereal and milk.
Look for Sign Up Genius for lunch items
January 11 – Brenham HS
January 25 – Dayton HS
Humble Christmas Parade – December 3
Parents may park at Fine Design For You parking lot.
Christmas Potluck will be held on Friday, Dec. 20th starting around 11:45 a.m.
Booster Club will provide paper goods.
Car Show
We need to finalize a date and advertise by January 1st.
Trophies need to be designed. Mr. Lamb will make about 20 trophies. Sponsors are needed. Students will design a t-shirt for the car show.
Marine Nationals will be held on April 9th. Regionals will be held the week of February 8-15th online.
Account Balance ___$25,004.21__________
Square Account $4,976.07__________
PayPal Account $2,302.58__________
Total Balance ___$32,282.86_____________
Marine Ball Loss: $3,721.08
Zombie Run Profit: $4,880.09
Volunteers are needed to move the storage unit on November 24th at 11:00 a.m.
Meet at Life Storage (behind Walmart.)
Please forward your Raptor approval email to
INSTRUCTOR NOTES (Major Carlstrom and Master Guns):
Curren postal profit is $600.00
Dry cleaning bill is about $200.00
NEXT MEETING DATE: _______December 17th at 6:30________
Meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m.____________________