1. Call to Order
President Kristel Herring called the meeting to order.
Attendance was recorded through a circulated sign-in sheet.
Attendees: Dustin Breaux, Tonyna Breaux, Kristel Herring, Wayne Lamb, Stephanie Lamb, Cynthia Moreno, Rita Lasyone, Hillary Fleming, Daniel Fleming, Andrea Harisis, and CWO.
No new members were present.
2. Approval of Previous Minutes
Tonyna Breaux motioned to approve the minutes from February, seconded by Stephanie Lamb. The motion passed without objection.
3. President's Report (Kristel Herring)
Upcoming Drill Meets:
April 13: Skills meet with breakfast provided (donuts) and lunch (sandwich platters).
April 20: Confirmed Drill meet with breakfast (tacos provided by CWO) and lunch (walking tacos).
End-of-Year Field Trip:
Discussion initiated on plans and expectations from the booster club. Further discussion required.
Proposal for a flash sale of old merchandise in April.
Board for 2024-2025:
Call for nominations committee formation to assist with board appointments for the next year. Members were encouraged to consider board positions.
4. Vice President's Report (Stephanie Lamb)
Spirit Nights:
$108.63 raised from MOD Pizza event.
Upcoming event on February 20 at Panera Bread.
5. Treasurer's Report (Tonyna Breaux)
Financial update provided.
Discussion on the formation of a Scholarship Committee.
6. Secretary's Report (Dustin Breaux)
Storage Update:
Noted change in pricing; possibilities of a discount and need for a larger unit due to current space limitations.
Car Show Preparations:
Update on completed tasks: flyer, judging form, vehicle sign-up, vendor sign-up, and webpage links. Hat design and sourcing completed by Rita.
Pending tasks: Judge selection, social media sharing, silent auction items, sponsorships, and trophy arrangements.
7. Instructors' Report
CWO and MGySgt provided updates on instructional activities and cadet progress.
8. Next Meeting
Scheduled for April 18, 2024, at 6:30 PM.
The meeting was adjourned at 19:18 by President Kristel Herring.