February 15, 2024
CALL TO ORDER:The meeting was called to order by President Kristel Herring.
Members in Attendance: Kristel Herring, Stephanie Lamb, Wayne Lamb, Tonyna Breaux, Dustin Breaux, Rita Lasyone, Hilary Fleming, Mike Lasyone (CWO4), Daniel Fleming (Master Guns), Randy Ratcliff, Andrea Harisis, Jacqueline Contreras, and Oscar Contreras
New Members:No new members were present.
Approval of December and January Minutes: Both Meeting Minutes were approved.
Marine Corps Birthday Ball
The venue for the 2024-2025 ball has been booked for Nov 9th.
Ball committee will meet to start working on this in the upcoming months
Scholarship will open from Feb 15 – Mar 31
Parent must be a paid member of booster club
Any cadet that has special circumstances should reach out to instructors
End of the year field trip
What are the plans or ideas for this trip? What will be expected from the booster club?
Jodie will be completing the yearbook this year. If you have pictures, please share.
We still have a lot of items in stock, before we can purchase new items, we need to sale these. Any ideas on how to move inventory?
VICE PRESIDENT: (Stephanie Lamb)
Spirit Nights:
$108.63 was raised from MOD Pizza
February 20 – Panera Bread
TREASURER: (Tonyna Breaux)
Treasurer Report
Scholarship Committee
SECRETARY: (Dustin Breaux)
Storage Pricing changed. Can get discount added again and need to see if we can get a larger unit as we are filled to the brim.
Car Show requirements:
☒- Flyer Creation D Breaux
☒- Judging Form D Breaux
☒- Vehicle Sign-up Sheet D Breaux
☒- Vendor Sign-up Sheet D Breaux
☒- Webpage Links with Payments for Vendors and Participants D Breaux
☒- Hat Design and Sourcing Rita
Not completed
☐- Judge Selection (6) Rita
☒- School Bathroom usage authorization Rita
☒- Car show Layout/Mapping D Breaux Jr.
☐- Social Media sharing. EVERYONE Event is now created on Social Media
☐- Silent Auction Items. EVERYONE (Framed Muhammad Ali & Joe Frazier Photo)
☐- Sponsorships EVERYONE
☐- Trophies (24 needed) Lamb
Cars Cars Cars!!!! Advertise for More cars!
Instructor’s Report (CWO and MGySgt)
NEXT MEETING DATE: March 21, 2024 @ 6:30 PM