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Updated: 6 days ago

CALL TO ORDER: (President:  Stephanie Lamb) Time:_6:33 p.m.

Take Roll Take Roll:  Andrea Harisis, Karen Wheeler, Britney Brockman, James Brockman, Jodie Eakin, Kristel Herring, Jerry Herring, Wayne Lamb, Ryan Engolio, Stephanie Engolio, Dustin Breau, Tanya Breau, Hilary Fleming, Terry Green

New members were welcomed.

Approve May Minutes: motioned by Karen Wheeler, seconded by Kristel Herring.



·         Treasurer Report

·         2024-2025 Budget – see budget handout

·         Total money available $22,591.22

·         We owe $13,994 from last year’s budget.

Questions: There were no questions.

Krystal motioned budget as is.  Dustin seconded.




·         New Cadet Parent Night – Tuesday 9/3

·         Parent night date verified and explained.

·         Cookies and punch will be purchased for this event.


·         Family Day – Saturday 9/7

o   $500 budget

o   Family night date verified and explained. 


·         Sponsorship Levels – see handout

·         Sponsorship levels chart clearly states what each donation level will receive. 

·         We are seeking sponsors from businesses in the community.  Car show will be held in April.

·         We currently need sponsors for Zombie Run. Tommy’s Car Wash has written a total of $2,500 dollar donation via 2 checks.  We will also need sponsors for the Car show.  Parents may notify the president or Vice President via email if they secure or have information about a possible sponsor. 

·         Jerry motioned accepting sponsorship levels with adjustment.  We will delete the last line in the letter.  Dustin seconded.  This line will be deleted: “Logo on cadet volunteer shirt (by 9/7/24.)”


·         Vertical Raise

·         Fundraiser explained.  Students send emails to family and friends asking for monetary donations.  Duration is 4 weeks.  Incentives will be offered from instructors.   We discussed Booster Club giving incentives such as gift cards but there was no agreement.


·         Drill Meet Dates

·         October 19th will most likely be the date for the first meeting. Process was explained.  Parents are invited to send off students in the morning and to attend the actual meet.  Booster club will feed students breakfast and lunch.  There will be sign-up genius for parents to donate snacks. 


·         Birthday Ball – Saturday, November 9, 2024 – Walden Country Club – 5:00pm to 10:00pm

·         There will be a dinner, dancing, a speaker and social time from 5-6 p.m. for photos. 

o   Photographer -  AHS photography teacher was approached and asked if a student would be interested in taking formal photos.  The teacher gave a suggestion. She may need an assistant to help with photography due to the number of students in program.

o   It was suggested that Jodie Eakin get an official email so parents can send photos directly to Jodie since she is in charge of the yearbook.  

o   Cake – We are looking for ideas/bakers.  HEB cake can feed 200 people for about $200. 

o   Cadet gift ideas – We are thinking about “a make your own challenge coin” project with a cost of about $10 per cadet.

o   Guest speaker – We are looking for a speaker that can relate to the students. We are also looking for a speaker for Veteran’s Day.  It was suggested to have a former student speak to the students.

o   We will need a gift for the guest speaker.


·         Team Building Female Cadet Night – Painting with an Ice Cream Twist

·         We would like to have this meeting in September.

·         Team Building Male Cadet Night -  We are looking for ideas.  Axe throwing.


·         Volunteering Opportunities - Always Check Calendar for Opportunities for your Cadet.

o   AHS Football Games

o   Nov. 9th, 1-5 p.m. Maple Brook Elementary will need volunteers but this is the same day as the Military Ball.

Sprit Nights:

Kona Ice donated money on Sept. 2nd.  This was worked out by Rita.  We get 15% donation from.  A parent suggested Marco’s pizza.  Another parent suggested McDonald’s.  MOD, Panera, Crumble Cake, Nothing Bundt Cake and Cane’s for donations. 


Zombie Run:

Zombie Run will be held Oct. 26th.  We need donations for goodie bags.  This will be the official date.  Students dress up as zombies, theatre club will do face paint.  Three heats are suggested.  An elementary school aged, middle school aged and adult races will be available.   A parent asked about having vendors.  Booster may have a concession stand. 


Instructors Note:


Master Gunns:  Postals runs about Jan 10th for $40 an event. 

9/11 celebration will be on 9/12 which will be a Thursday.  We will need supplies such as coffee and refreshments for first responders.  We will need a sign up genius for Flags across Kingwood.


September 7th will be Pickle Fest.


Secretary will update parent email list. 




·         RAPTOR –    email approval email to                                              


·         Spirit Nights

·         Zombie Run

o   Date: October 19th  or 26th ?



Instructor’s Report (Major and MGySgt)


NEXT MEETING DATE: September 17, 2024 @ 6:30 PM


Meeting adjourned at 1936

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